Saturday, July 27, 2024
featured storyHEALTH

Allocating budget on mental health across Africa as crucial step to recognize the seriousness of the issue

If many of African people are experiencing mental health challenges, it’s crucial to recognize the seriousness of the situation. Blaming others might serve a purpose at times, but when it comes to mental health, it’s essential to move beyond finger-pointing, especially if emotions are involved.

Every day, individuals face personal struggles within their families, homes, and lives, many of which remain hidden from the world’s view. A Ugandan patriot concerned about the issue talks about it, and not only for Uganda but the whole Africa.

“Have you ever wondered why some of Ugandan girls who go abroad for work, commonly referred to as “kyeyo” or “Kadaama,” are so vocal on social media?” he asked.

For them, the internet serves as a platform for engaging in WhatsApp discussions across multiple groups, creating TikTok videos, and remaining online for the remainder of the day.

Idleness often leads to various problems, but having access to numerous free resources can also offer advantages.

Perhaps people shouldn’t rush to blame individuals for misusing the internet. Many aren’t doing so because they believe it’s the right thing to do, but rather because they’re seeking a resolution for something.

“I’ve noticed a significant number of people struggling with depression, stemming from various issues. When individuals are in this state, their ability to think clearly is compromised, often requiring support and counselling to help them regain a positive mindset.” Said the Ugandan patriot.

The Ugandan patriot continues telling the story:

“I vividly recall a day when a friend of mine reached out to me in distress. He pleaded for me to travel from Kampala to Mbale to talk to him about his relationship struggles. His voice trembled with pain as he revealed that his girlfriend had betrayed him.

I promised to be there for him, to lend an ear and offer whatever support I could. However, amidst the hustle of daily life, I failed to fulfil my promise. On the day I was supposed to visit him, and the following day, tragedy struck, my friend took his own life.

The weight of guilt and regret crushed me as I blamed myself for not being there when he needed me most. I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I had only listened to him, maybe I could have helped ease his mental anguish, preventing such a devastating outcome. This heartbreaking experience taught me a profound lesson: the importance of actively listening to others and responding with compassion and support.”

In light of this, it’s not only a Ugandan issue, but almost the whole Africa.

I believe the governments across Africa should establish counselling centers nationwide to assist those in need. This initiative could potentially reduce the prevalence of young individuals dedicating their lives to fervently supporting political figures instead of focusing on personal growth and productivity.

As I observe various situations, I consider mental health to be a significant issue causing problems in Africa today. Many young people engage in reckless behaviors due to underlying mental health issues, leading to a mix of problems weighing on their minds. This can result in poor decision-making, including involvement in criminal activities.

Hence, I believe the governments should prioritize allocating budgets specifically for mental health issues. This would ensure that counselling services are readily accessible for Africans, guiding them on proper behavior and coping mechanisms. It’s crucial to start this initiative with top leaders.


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