Covid-19 made trials of suspects of genocide suspended in foreign countries
Trials for Rwandans suspected of being involved in genocide against Tutsis of Rwanda in 1994, that were scheduled in 2020 in different foreign countries were suspended due to covid-19 outbreak.
Among others, the trial of genocide suspect Claude Muhayimana that was supposed to be tried in France but didn’t happen due to covid-19, the trial was then postponed to February 2021.
The background of the suspect
Claude Muhayimana was born in 1961 and is a French citizen of Rwandan origin. He obtained French citizenship in 2010. He lives in Rouen, France.
According to the Trial international, Muhayimana allegedly organized transport of Hutu militias to several places where attacks against Tutsis occurred, while he was the driver of the Kibuye Guest house. He was also allegedly involved in the attack on the Nyamishaba school (Kibuye district) in April 1994 and in the massacres of Tutsi civilians who had found a temporary refuge in Karongi, Gitwa et Bisesero between April and June 1994.
He is also accused of having participated in killings carried out in the Kibuye church on the 17 April 1994, and the following day in the Gatwaro stadium. Both massacres resulted in the death of thousands of victims.
Other trials
“The trial of Emmanuel Nkunzuwimye and Ernest Gakwaya is planned to be tried in Belgium in the end of 2020, but due to covid-19 it might be suspended as well; so far no suspension notice was yet issued.” said Juvens Ntampuhwe the project coordinator of ‘Justice et memoire’ at RCN justice et democratie, a Belgian organization that support the international justice.
Nkunzuwimye and Gakwaya were previously supposed to be tried in the same trial as Fabien Neretse that happened in the end of 2019, but their cases were separated.
Based on a judicial principle saying that “justice delayed, justice denied”, these trials suspended would be considered delayed, but since there’s a bigger matter that involves peoples’ lives which is covid-19, it’s not a scandal that justice can just wait a little bit. Explained Ntampuhwe.
Trials of Rwandan genocide suspects in foreign countries are being followed and reported about by journalists working with Pax press, a Rwandan organization of journalists reporting for peace, in partnership with RCN Justice et Democratie in its project called ‘Justice et Memoire’; the 5 years project that started in 2018.